Kafululu Primary School

In our most recent search for a new beneficiary, our Needs Assessment pointed us to Kafululu Primary School in the Chibombo District, north of Lusaka.

On our first visit to the school in September 2022, the students left an instant impression on our team. These students demonstrate a remarkable dedication to learn - many walking 10 km (6.2 miles) each way to school.

They walk a half marathon each day for school! 

And the students, as young as 5 years old, travel from underprivileged communities where food is already in short supply.

This school of 750 students maintains a small vegetable garden and greenhouse structure. However, this is not nearly enough to feed this growing school and its similarly sized secondary school on the same property.

Day by De recognized this as an opportunity to help. Our team continues to assess the best path forward for Day by De projects at Kafululu.

Keep checking back for more updates!


Why this kindergartner’s tummy is always rumbling